Reference Sources

Information in individual records is tagged by a reference, shown in green, on the right hand side of the page. This is a short reference to the source of the information. One day it is planned to make these references as active links, but in the meantime this section provides an explanation of the quoted sources.

Many of the references quoted are generic, such as PR for Parish Register, rather than be specific whether this is an IGI reference, or printed volume extract, or actual search from the registers held at record offices.

Some references go to the next level, for which the following is quick access:

AWT.Xxxxx Information from an Ancestry World Tree. See Ancestry World Tree Sources.

C.Xxxxx Information from correspondence. See Correspondence Sources.

E.Xxxxx Information from email correspondence. See Email Reference Sources.

FTM.Xxx Information from Family Tree Maker trees. See Family Tree Maker Reference Sources.

G.Xxxxx Information from a GEDCOM files. See GEDCOM Reference Sources.

GC.Xxxxx Information from Genealogy Circle. See Genealogy Circle Sources.

GR.Xxxxx Information from GenesReunited contacts. See GenesReunited Sources.

I.Xxxx Further internet site references. See Internet Site Sources

N.Xxxxx Further online newspaper references. See Newspaper Reference Sources.

PMT.xxxxxx A Public Member Tree files on or See Public Member Tree Sources.

PRF.Xxxxx Information from a Pedigree Resource File in See Pedigree Resource File Sources.

nnnn.mmm Where such a reference is given against census details it represents the piece number and folio from the census records on microfilm/microfiche held at the Public Records Office, Kew. For 1911 census records, being online, just the schedule reference number is given. Information from

1939 The 1939 Register (Fund My Past)

ABC Advanced Background Checks (internet service)

Aberd Aberdeen University records

ABL American Biographical Library (

ACAG American Compendium of American Genealogy

ACTER Australia Capital Territory Electoral Roll (

ACTR Australian Convict Transportation Registers (

ACWM American Civil War Musters (

Ad Adv The Adelaide Advertiser

ADBO Australian Dictionary of Biography Online (use google)

ADI Ancestry Death Index (from 1989)

AFT public Family Tree

AGCI The Australasian Genealogical Computer Index, published by the Society of Autralian Genealogists

AGen nn The Genealogist volume nn published by the American Society of Genealogists

AIF Records from the Australian Imperial Force project (Google "the AIF project")

AISMSI AIS Mortality Schedules Index (

AKCA Algona Kossuth County Advance

ALDiv Alabama Divorce Records (

ALD Alabama Death Records (

ALM Alabama Marriage Records (

Ances non-specific reference

AncesPMP Public Member Photos, also Private Member Photos

ANP Andrews Newspaper Index Cards (

APPL Atlantic Ports Passenger Lists (

APPR Apprenticeship records

ARH Army Roll of Honour (internet)

ATTP Attestation Papers of soldiers joining the Canadian Expeditionary Force (WWI)

AUCI Australia Cemetery Index (

AusBMD Australia Birth, Marriage, Death registrations

AusFSE Book titled Australia's Fighting Sons of the Empire

AusOb Australian Obituaries (taken from

AusQue History of Queensland, Australia, Volume 2

AWT.Xxxxx Information from an Ancestry World Tree, referenced as Xxxxx. Further detail in Ancestry World Tree Sources.

AZBDC Arizona Birth and Death Certificates (

BACF n.n An unpublished work by Anthony. J. Bostock titled "Bostocks - An Ancient Cheshire Family". The n.n refers to chapter and section within this book. NB: Tony has now updated this material, and updated copy may be accessed from this page.

BACG British Army Coldstream Guards records, from Find My Past

BB Birth Brief files at the Society of Genealogists, London

BBMF.pp Bostocks of Bostock: the Medieval Family, with page number. These references are to pages from a document by Tony Bostock, available on his website. Follow this link to Tony's Local History Articles page, from which BBMF may be accessed.

BCAW Biographical Cyclopaedia of American Women

BCBB A book titled 'The Brewster Cary Bostock Book' with many old family photographs, prepared at least in part by Raymond Nathaniel Bostock, and made available courtesy of Kent C. Bostock

BCD British Columbia, Canada deaths (FamilySearch and internet)

BCCFA British Columbia Cemetery Finding Aid (internet)

BCCU Border Crossings - Canada to USA (

BCert Birth Certificate

BCM British Columbia, Canada marriages (internet)

BCMU Border Crossings - Mexico to USA (

BCUC Border Crossings - USA to Canada (

Bedale Bedale School Register

BedfordC "A History of Bedfordshire College for Women" by Tuke, (Society of Genealogists)

BengalB Bengal Baptisms. From printed volumes In Oriental and India Office Collection of Britsh Library

BengalD Bengal Deaths. From printed volumes In Oriental and India Office Collection of Britsh Library

BENGW Bengal Soldiers' wills (Find My Past)

BG Gravestone inscriptions from

Bible1 There is specific reference to a Family Bible for the dates of birth and death of Sally (1779) Bostwick's children. The bible is said to be in the possession of Charles Rowland Bostwick of New York, 2009. Source of this information is Carol Hicks.

Bible2 This Bible was printed in 1623, and was in the possession of Henry John Bostock (1870), after he received it from his sister Lilian May (1882). It had originally passed from Thomas (1777) to his son Thomas (1816). The entries were written in the back of a Holy Bible. John David Clark has kindly turned this into a PDF file for easy viewing.

BIL nnnnn Boyd's Inhabitants of London. nnnnn is the reference number.

BIOM British India Office Marriages (Find My Past).

BISA Biographical Index of South Australians.

BLBC British Library Books Catalog (Opac)

BLG 19nn Burke's Landed Gentry. 19nn refers to the edition.

BloomM Bloomville Mirror, Delaware Co, NY

BNLO nn Bostick Newsletter Online #nn

BNP "The Blue Nuns of Paris 1658 - 1810", book on the shelves of Soc of Genealogists, London

BNPA British Newspaper Archives (internet)

BombayB Bombay Baptisms. From printed volumes In Oriental and India Office Collection of British Library

BombayM Bombay Marriages. From printed volumes In Oriental and India Office Collection of British Library

BOOTHAM Bootham School records

BosWilk A large family tree, particularly of Bostocks and Wilkinsons, received from Mrs. Thelma Birrell, containing a considerable portion of the Bostocks of Chester and Australia.

Botanists from book titled British and Irish Herbaria, on collectors

Brad Bradfield College registers

BRAIC Brazil Immigration Cards (FamilySearch)

BrisC The Courier, Brisbane, Queensland

BrisCM The Courier-Mail, Brisbane, Queensland

BRISU Bristol University records

BSFT Bostock-Smith Family Tree. A major contribution from Mike Bostock-Smith, containing most of the detail shown in Part 5 of the Bostocks of Leek.

C.Xxxxx Information from correspondence with the name Xxxxx. Further detail in Correspondence Sources.

CAB California Birth Records (

CAD California Death Records (

CADiv California Divorce Records (

CairnsP The Cairns Post, Queensland

CAM California Marriage Records (

Cambrian Journal of Carmarthenshire (Kew shelves)

CAMU Cambridge University alumni records

CanBMD Canada Birth, Marriage and Death records (internet)

CanDiv Canadian Divorce records (internet)

CanImm Canadian Immigration records (internet)

CanNat Canadian Naturalisation records (internet)

CanOA Canadian Overseas Arrivals (

CanOb Canadian Obituaries (

CanPL Canadian Passenger Lists (

CanWho Canadian Whos Who

CBEmig Book titled "The Complete Book of Emigrants 1607 - 1776" on the shelves of the Society of Genealogists, London

CBTP Chari Bostick's family tree recorded on the Tribal Pages internet site, and a major source for the Bostocks and Bosticks of Alabama family tree.

CCD Crockford's Clerical Directory

Census The information comes from one or more census records. See also nnnn.mmm for UK census reference formats, and T625_mmm and T626_mmm for USA census reference formats

Cert Birth, Marriage or Death certificate, usually from England & Wales or Scotland.

CertB/M/D nnnn Where there is a need to identify a Birth, Marriage or Death certificate more specifically, the type of certificate is added, and the year of the certificate, eg CertB 1862.

CH Appointments registered at Companies House

ChartS Charterhouse School Registers

ChigS Chigwell School Registers

CheltC Cheltenham College Registers

ChemR Institute of Chemists Registers (SoG)

CheshH "History of Cheshire", on the bookshelves of the Society of Genealogists, London

CHSR Cheshire School Records (FamilySearch)

CIPM Cheshire Inquisitions Post Mortem. Many of these are published in the Lancashire and Cheshire Records Series, on the bookshelves of the Society of Genealogists, London

Clergy Clerical Directories, Church Directory, The Clergy List

CLFC Cheshire and Lancashire Funeral Certificates

CLIF Clifton School Registers

CMB Chester Marriage Bonds

CML Chester Marriage Licences

CND Connecticut Death records (

CofA College of Arms (issued pedigree)

COM Colorado Marriages ( and FamilySearch)

COSG Colorado Spring Gazette

COV Colorado Divorces (

CPI Confederate Patriot Index

CROW Wills held in Chester Records Office

CRS nn Catholic Record Society publications, volume nn (Society of Genealogists)

CSCCG Charleston, SC City Gazette

CSEA Civil Service Evidence of Age (Find my Past)

CTD Connecticut Death Records (

CTDivI Connecticut Divorce Index (

CTM Connecticut Marriage Records (

CTPR Connecticut Probate Records

Cutting Documented by a newspaper cutting. Actual newspaper uncertain. The main source is a set of newspaper cuttings which were originally collected by Dr John Knight Bostock (1893 - 1963).

CWGC Commonwealth War Graves Commission, Debt of Honour Register, available on the www.

DB The Domesday Book, ordered by William the Conqueror in 1086

DBHBR DeViney-Bostwick-Honey Bible Record, taken from Detroit Society for Genealogical Research Magazine volume 36, issue 3

DCert Death Certificate

DCM District of Columbia marriage records (Ancestry.Com)

DebPeople Debrett's People of Today

Dentist Dentist Registers (available at Public Records Office, Kew)

DFR Duffield Family Research Papers. The principal source referenced as DFR is a 16 page document titled 'Bostock Family Tree', which was compiled by Frederick Bostock Webb, a professional genealogist hired by Geoffrey Rowley Bostock. John David Clark has kindly turned this into a PDF file for easy viewing.

Dir Directories - trade and other

Director Directory of Directors

Div Divorce files, available at the Public Records Office, Kew

DMail dd/mm/yyyy Daily Mail Newspaper

DNB Dictionary of National Biography

Doctor Medical Directory Registers

DRRH DeRuvigny Roll of Honour ( Profiles of WWI heroes.

DT dd/mm/yyyy Daily Telegraph

DTM4 The label for a set of documents held at Cheshire Records Office, Chester

DublinUR Dublin University Records (SoG)

E.Xxxxx Information from email correspondence with the name Xxxxx. Actual email references used may be found at Email Reference Sources.

EB Comment from Edward Bostock, author

EBAY Information coming from EBAY sales

ECN 1715 "English Catholic Nonjurors of 1715", book on the shelves of Society of Genealogists

ECPP "East Cheshire Past and Present", by Earwaker, book on the shelves of Society of Genealogists

EIR The web site "Ellis Island Records",

ElizC Registers of Elizabeth College, St.Peter Port, Guernsey

ER Electoral Rolls

ES The Evening Standard (London). ES is usually followed by a date

EtonS Eton School Registers

Face Information and pictures from Facebook

FAG Find A Grave (internet)

FamHM Family Heirloom Magazine

FBLeek Family Bible covering the Bostocks of Leek, in possession of John Bostock in 2005

FBT "The Family of Bostock of Tarporley, Cheshire", a booklet by Robert Chignell Bostock, printed for private circulation in 1906. Select the title to see this booklet.

FCert Funeral Certificate

FEHB Genealogy contributed by Francis Edward Henry Bostock, particularly relating to his own family tree, the Bostocks of Otford, Kent

FEHBSG Genealogy papers left with the Society of Genealogists by Francis Edward Henry Bostock

FelsteadS Felstead School registers

FIBIS Families in British India Society (

FKin Book titled "Founders Kin" on the bookshelves of the Society of Genealogists, London

FLD(I) Florida Deaths Index (Ancestry.Com)

FLDivI Florida Divorces Index (Ancestry.Com)

FleetM Fleet Marriages (GRO Kew)

FLM(I) Florida Marriages Index (Ancestry.Com)

FMP Find My Past - the reference is used sparingly

FOL Foreign Office Lists

FOML Faculty Office Marriage Licence Allegations

Forum nnn Information from the Bostwick or Bostock Genealogy Forums. nnn is the specific forum entry.

FS Family Search - general search.

FSAF Family Search Ancestral File. These sources should be available by searching for the individual's record, starting from and looking in the Ancestral File section. I have also included here material actually found in Salt Lake City library of the Church of Jesus Latter-Day Saints in their Ancestry File records. The main difference being that the Salt Lake City records show detail for living people, whereas blocks it out.

FSFT Family Search Family Tree. These sources should be available by searching for the individual's record, starting from and looking in the Family Tree section

FSIGI Family Search International Genealogical Index. These sources should be available by searching for the individual's record, starting from and looking in the International Genealogical Index section

FSPRF Family Search Pedigree Resource File. These sources, now called FamilySearch Genealogies should be available by searching for the individual's record, starting from this page.

FRDavid Family Register compiled by David Bostock (1811) of Cobridge, Staffs

FTM.Xxx Information from Family Tree Maker trees on the Internet. Further detail of these may befound at Family Tree Maker Reference Sources.

FultonH Website providing free online copy of many newspapers of New York and Pennsylvania.

funn Website providing many free obituaries, and family history announcements.

G.Xxxxx Information from a GEDCOM file named Xxxxx. Further detail of these may be found at GEDCOM Reference Sources.

GAC Georgia Census

GACem Georgia Cemetery records, from US Genweb

GAD Georgia Death records (

GAM Georgia Marriage records (

GAW Georgia Wills

GAWI Georgia Wills Index

GBF Genealogy of Barbados Families by James C. Brandow (Soc of Genealogists library)

GBFA Henry Anthon Bostwick's book titled "Genealogy of the Bostwick Family of America", printed in 1901. This major work has now been digitised and is freely available on the internet (3 versions). The best of these is courtesy of Brigham Young University using the following link: Digital Copy of this Book

GC.Xxxxx Information from Genealogy Circle contributions with the name Xxxxx. The full contact name may be found at Genealogy Circle Sources.

GCCC Gonville and Caius College Cambridge directories

GenC GenCircles internet site:

Gen.Com Family tree data available from Genealogy.Com on the internet

GenDB.Com, a South African genealogy database

GEOD Georgia Death Registrations (

GEONCC Georgia North Central Cemeteries (

GGR Geelong Grammarians Register, Victoria, Australia

GGRCSS An online book titled 'Genealogy of George Rogers and Caira Skelton Starkey - 2008', prepared by Freya Heinrichs Fitzpatrick (, copy provided courtesy of Kent Bostock

GIA "Register of Admissions to Gray's Inn 1521 - 1889 together with Register of Marriages in Gray's Inn Chapel 1695 - 1754", a book by Joseph Foster

GlasgowU Glasgow University records

GLW Gloucestershire Wills (Gloucester Records Office)

GMag the Gentleman's Magazine

Google Information collected from miscellaneous sources by using Google

GOONS Information collected from Guild of One-name Studies website, passed on directly from a GOONS member.

GPIR Gene Pool Individual Records (

GPR Gravestone Photographic Resource, a free internet site recording gravestone detail, and with photos

GR.Xxxxx Information from GenesReunited contacts with the name Xxxxx. The full contact name may be found at GenesReunited Sources.

GraysI Gray's Inn Admissions

GRCB GenesReunited Community Board

GRNB A booklet titled A Genealogical Register of the Name of Bostwick, by Erastus Bostwick. This reference was certainly used by Henry Anthon Bostwick in ref GBFA. The booklet may be viewed online using the following link: . See also Marsha Buckingham.

GROI General Records Office Indexes (England and Wales Births, Marriages and Deaths)

GtOrmond Records of Great Ormond Street Hospital, London

HailS Haileybury School Register

Hale Hale Collection of inscriptions and newspaper notices (

HarpD Harpers Directory (wine trade)

HarrowS Harrow School Register

Hearthtax Hearth tax records, in particular the Cheshire Hearth tax records of 1664

HF Pedigree of Huddleston and Foley. From notes taken by F. E. H. Bostock.

HLCOHIO History of Licking County, Ohio

HMS nnnn Harleyan Manuscript no nnnn. The main Harleyan Manuscript referred to is HMS 1535. This reference is often shortened to HMS.

HMS 2059 The Bostock Tree - Part 4A is entirely based upon this manuscript, whose origin is interesting. The following is taken directly from BBMF.17 (see above). HMS 2059 are documents from an old book of pedigrees obtained in May 1576 by Laurence Bostock (1520), the antiquary, from Phillip Oldfield, attorney of Grey’s Inn, London which had been found in a student’s room in Oxford. The pedigrees, which seem to have been compiled in the latter months of 1498, were made for the ‘howse and Family of Bostok in the Countie palentyne of Chester’. Laurence then made a ‘true copy’ on 14 June 1580 before delivering it into the keeping of Robert Glover, then Somerset Herald of Arms, who probably referred to it in compiling his Visitation of Cheshire that year.

HPed Hunters Pedigrees, on the bookshelves of the Society of Genealogists, London

HROCA Historical Register of Officers in the Continental Army, by Francis B. Heitman, published 1914

HSSCAT Humanities and Social Sciences Catalog, British Library Catalog (OPAC). The catalog is available on the shelves of the British Newpaper Library, Colindale, London

I.Xxxx Further internet site references. See Internet Site Sources for further detail on these sources.

iann Website , providing many free obituaries, and family history announcements.

IABR Iowa, Bremer County, Births and Deaths

IDM Idaho Marriage Records (FamilySearch)

IDState Idaho Statesman. See

IGI The International Genealogical Index. This reference is used very sparingly, in favour of using the PR reference. It is used for birth or marriage records when the parish has not been identified.

ILB Illinois Birth Records (FamilySearch)

ILD Illinois Death Records (

ILJEFDIV Illinois, Jefferson County, Divorce records (

ILLQ Illinois Quaker Records (

ILW Illinois Will Abstracts (

IMDB Internet Movies Database, (

INB Indiana Birth records

IND Indiana Death records

INDD India Death records (FamilySearch)

INDiv Indiana Divorce records

IndIx Book titled "India Index" on the bookshelves of the Society of Genealogists, London

INM Indiana Marriage records

INNP dd/mm/yyyy Indiana Newspapers with published date

InnTA Inner Temple Admissions (barristers)

Interment Cemetery records found through

Internet Information may be found using Google and the internet

INUM Indiana United Methodist Church records

IOMB Isle of Man Births (FamilySearch)

IOMD Isle of Man Deaths (FamilySearch)

IOMM Isle of Man Marriages (FamilySearch)

IOWD Iowa Cemetery Records (

IXC Inquisitions of the Exchequer of Chester

JBCL Joseph Bostock (1783) Collection of Letters

JBMBP Booklet titled 'Jocelyn Bostock: a Memoir of Bletchley Park 1939-44', written by Martin Knight

JKB Many genealogical papers were obtained from the estate of John Knight Bostock (1893 - 1963). Information gained from these papers is referenced JKB.

JKBC JKB Cuttings refers to a collection of newspaper cuttings made by John Knight Bostock, and now in my possession (RB). The actual newspapers these are taken from are not known.

JKBH JK Bostock produced a short family tree of the Haworth family, who married into the Bostocks of Leek. This source is in my possesion and is referenced as JKBH.

JKBL JK Bostock produced a family tree of the Bostock & Wombwell's menagerie family. This source is in my possesion and is referenced as JKBL.

JKB-BBH JK Bostock produced a family tree of the Bostocks of Breedon on the Hill, Leics. This source is in my possesion and is referenced as JKB-BBH.

JKB-BMH JK Bostock produced a family tree of the Bostocks of Merefield House, Haslington. This source is in my possesion and is referenced as JKB-BMH.

KANLD Kansas, Leavenworth Veterans Center Death Register (

KBCFP Kent Bostock's collection of family photos

KENMI Kentucky Marriages Index (

KewDO Kew Public Records Office Documents Online (internet free access)

KHT 1893 Kelly's Handbook of the Titled, Landed and Official Gentry, 1893

KingWC King William's College Register, Castleton, Isle of Man

KYB Kentucky Birth records

KYD Kentucky Death records

KYM Kentucky Marriage records

LancC Lancing College Register

LAW Lancashire Wills. These can be seen at Lancashire Records Office, Preston.

LBFH A booklet titled 'The Leicestershire Bostocks Family History' by Derek Bostock.

LCHS nn Records of Lancashire and Cheshire History Society (SoG bookshelves). nn refers to the volume in the series.

LEW Leicestershire Wills. These can be seen at Leicester Records Office.

LGAZ dd/mm/yyyy London Gazette

LICW Lichfield Wills. These can be seen at Lichfield Records Office, Staffs.

LIB Loyalist Isaac Bostwick of New Brunswick, Canada, by Sharon Dubeau, 1985 (book)

LinkedIn LinkedIn website

LivM Liverpool Mercury

LLCR Lloyds Captains Register

LMH Lady Margaret Hall College, Oxford registers

LML London Marriage Licences

LodgeDev Lodge Devotion (Masonic Lodge of Victoria, Australia)

LondonU London University records

LROW Wills held in Lichfield Records Office, Staffs

LSEPS London School of Economic and Political Science registers

MAB Massachusetts Birth records (FamilySearch)

MAD Massachusetts Death records (FamilySearch)

MadrasB Madras Baptisms. From printed volumes In Oriental and India Office Collection of Britsh Library

MadrasM Madras Marriages. From printed volumes In Oriental and India Office Collection of Britsh Library

MAM Massachusetts Marriage records (FamilySearch)

ManchEN Manchester Evening News - Family Notices (internet). Site covers a range of newspapers.

ManchFN ManchesterOnline - Family Notices (internet)

ManPI Manchester Police Index (Find My Past)

ManPR Manchester Prison Records (Find My Past)

ManSR Manchester School Registers (SoG library)

MarlC Marlborough College, Marlborough, Wilts registers

MAW Massachusetts Wills and Probate (

MB dd/mm/yy Bostock Message Board on RootsWeb - I have moved to this format to include the date of the Message Board entry

MBFH 'My Bostock Family History', an online book, produced by John Knight. It is a major reference source for the Bostocks of Blidworth family tree.

MBHMF Memorial and Biographical History of McLennan, Falls, Bell and Coryell Co, Tex

MCert Marriage Certificate

MedD Medical Directory / Register, on the bookshelves of the Society of Genealogists, London.

Melb Argus The Melbourne Argus, Victoria

MelCEGS Melbourne Church of England Grammar School records.

Memoriam In Memoriam cards, part of the document collection received from J. K. Bostock.

Mercury The Mercury, of Hobart, Tasmania.

MerrettBG A hand-written document titled "Merrett - Bostock Genealogy, 1835 - 1985" by Richard Barton Scott, husband of Ida Marion (1909).

Methodists Garlick's Methodist Registry, on the bookshelves of the Society of Genealogists, London.

MEXD Mexico Death Registrations (FamilySearch).

MFC Information taken from in 2002, since disconnected.

MGH Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica.

MH The My Heritage website.

MHFT The Family Trees section of MyHeritage web site (

MI Monumental Inscription. This is a generic reference, whether our actual source was a printed book, microfiche, or actual visit to a cemetery.

MIB Michigan Birth Records (FamilySearch)

MiscC Miscellaneous newspaper cuttings. I've lost track of the actual newspaper.

MICDI Michigan Death Index (

MICMI Michigan Marriages Index (

MICOC Michigan, Oakland County Vital Records (

MID Michigan Death Records (FamilySearch)

MIDIV Michigan Divorce Records (

MIM Michigan Marriage Records (

ML dd/mm/yy Bostock Mailing List on RootsWeb - dd/mm/yy is the date of the Mailing List entry

MMP.nn "Mariners - Merchants ...then Pioneers", a book written by Mrs. Thelma Birrell. The book of 245 pages was printed in limited edition in 1993, and is a principal source for the Bostocks of Chester/Australia family tree. nn refers to a page number in the book.

MND Minnesota Death Records (

MNM Minnesota Marriage Records (FamilySearch)

MNNA Mansfield and North Notts Advertiser (courtesy John Knight)

MNS Merchant Navy Seamen's records (

MOM Missouri Marriages Records (

MONDI Montana Death Index (

MP Members of Parliament directory

MTA "Middle Temple Admissions". Book on shelves at the Society of Genealogists, London

MTSR Merchant Taylor School Register

Mundia The interent site, mainly Australian family trees

Music Who's Who in Music

MV - RExApp Metro Vickers - Register of Ex-Apprentices. Book on shelves at the Society of Genealogists, London

MW dd/mm/yy Bostwick Message Board on RootsWeb - I have moved to this format to include the date of the Message Board entry

MWPF Mexican War (1846 - 1848) Pension Files

MX dd/mm/yy Message Boards other than Bostock and Bostwick, with date of entry

MyLife The internet site

N.Xxxxx Further online newspaper references. See Newspaper Reference Sources.

NAA National Archives of Australia - documents available by internet search, mainly military.

NAA Census Census records filed at the National Archives of Australia. Northern Territories records are held at Darwin.

NASA National Archives of South Africa. An internet site.

NCD North Carolina Death Records (

NCDiv North Carolina Divorce Records (

NCI Nottingham Cemetery Indexes at Nottingham Records Office

NDMM North Dakota Military Men (

NEB Nebraska Births (

NEM Nebraska Marriages (FamilySearch)

NEHGR New England Historical & Genealogical Register

NewsA Newspapers by Ancestry (

Newsp Generic for a Newspaper. Newspaper should be identified in the text.

NHM New Hampshire Marriage Records (FamilySearch)

NJB New Jersey Birth Records (FamilySearch)

NJD New Jersey Death Records (FamilySearch)

NJM New Jersey Marriage Records (FamilySearch)

NJ Times The New Jersey Times

NLA.AN National Library of Australia - Australian Newspapers.

NLWW National Library of Wales - Wills. Wills held at the NLW, Aberystwith

NOA National Obituary Archive (

NotW Nottinghamshire Wills - from Nottingham Records Office

NSVR Nova Scotia Vital Records (FamilySearch)

NSWB New South Wales, Australia Birth Records

NSWBank New South Wales, Australia Bankruptcy records (internet)

NSWCem New South Wales, Australia Cemetery Records (internet)

NSWD New South Wales, Australia Death Records

NSWDiv New South Wales, Australia Divorce Index

NSWM New South Wales, Australia Marriage Records

NSWPI New South Wales, Australia Probate Index Records

NSWPL New South Wales Passenger Lists (

NSWUA New South Wales, index to Unassisted Arrivals (internet)

NTPI Northern Territory Probate Index (

NTT Northern Territory Times, Australia

NVD Nevada Deaths (

NVDiv Nevada Divorces (

NVM Nevada Marriages (

NY Post The New York Post (Deaths notices contributed by Rich Clarke)

NY Star The New York Star (see

NY Times The New York Times

NYB New York Births (

NYBCRiC MIs taken from Broome County Riverside Cemetery, New York (

NYCCR New York City Coroners Reports

NYD New York Deaths (

NYESB New York Emigrant Savins Bank records (

NYM New York Marriages (FamilySearch)

NYPL New York Passenger Lists (

NYPN New York Petitions for naturalisation (

NYUCNC MIs taken from Nanticoke Cemetery, Union Center, New York (

NZArch New Zealand Achives (

NZBMD New Zealand Birth, Marriage, and Death registries

NZGov New Zealand Government Records (internet)

NZN New Zealand Naturalisations (

NZP New Zealand Probate records (FamilySearch)

OBCNHA Obituaries: Connecticut, Hartford Courant (

OBINEV Obituaries: Indiana, Evansville Courier (

Obit Other Obituaries

Obitf Obituaries from Obitfinder (internet)

ObitM Obituaries from Obit Messenger (internet)

OBKYLO Obituaries: Kentucky, Louisville Courier-Journal (

OBNYT Obituaries: NY Times

OBTXFW Obituaries: Texas, Fort Worth Star-Telegram (

OBUTSLT Obituaries: Utah, Salt Lake Tribune (

OHC Ormerod's History of Cheshire

OHD(R) Ohio Death Records

OHDiv Ohio Divorce Records

OhioCI Ohio Census Index (

OHDI Ohio Death Index (

OHMI Ohio Marriage Indexes

OHVR Ohio Voter Registrations (

OHVRKN Ohio Vital Records, Knox County (

OHWI Ohio Wills Index

OKM Oklahoma Marriage Records (FamilySearch)

ONBI Ontario Birth Index (Internet)

ONDI Ontario Death Index (Internet)

ONMI Ontario Marriage Index (internet)

OP Open Plaques website

ORDI Oregon Deaths Index (

ORM Oregon Marriages (

OWT Own World Trees (

OXFU Oxford University alumni records

OXW Oxfordshire Wills (Find My Past)

PAB Pennsylvania Birth Records (FamilySearch))

PAD(C) Pennsylvania Death Records (

PAM Pennsylvania Marriage Records (FamilySearch)

PAPL Philadelphia Passenger Lists (

ParisM Paris Marriages (

PASSL Passenger Lists, hosted by

PaVBC Pennsylvania Veterans Burial Cards (

Patboz A private family tree on Ancestry Co created by Pat Bostock.

PAW Pennsylvania Wills (Ancestry Co)

PCCA Administrations of estate granted at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. These can be seen at Kew Records Office, Surrey

PCCW Wills proved at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. These can be seen at Kew Records Office, Surrey

Peerage The Peerage, website

PharmR Pharmaceutical and Druggist Registers (SoG)

PL A generic for Passenger Lists as more sources become available

PMP Public Member Photos (

PMS Public Member Stories (

PMT.xxxxxx A Public Member Tree files on or xxxxxx is a reference to the name of the tree. See Public Member Tree Sources. for the actual trees referenced.

Polltax Poll tax records, in particular the Cheshire Poll tax records of 1660

PoorL Poor Law records

PR Parish Register entry. This is a generic reference, whether our actual source came from the IGI, or a printed volume, microfilm, or inspection of an actual Parish Register.

PRF.Xxxxx Information from a Pedigree Resource File in Xxxxx refers to the name of the PRF submitter. Actual references used may be found at Pedigree Resource File Sources.

Prisons Prison records(Find My Past)

PrMP Private Member Photos (

QLDB Queensland, Australia birth registrations

QLDCem Queensland, Australia Cemetery records (FamilySearch)

QLDD Queensland, Australia death registrations

QLDM Queensland, Australia marriage registrations

QLDPI Queensland, Australia Pioneer Index

QLDPict The Queenslander Pictorial (Find My Past)

QLDSP Queensland, Australia School Pupils

Quebec Quebec records, from Drouin Collection (

RACA Royal Aero Club Aviators certificates (

RadleyC Radley College Registers


RAFM RAF Memorial on Cooper's Hill, Runnymede, Surrey

RAFOSR RAF Officer Service Records (Records held at Kew)

RB Comment from Roland Bostock, author

RCath Rman Catholic directories (Society of Genealogists)

RCHR Roots Church Records (

RCMFIW Rolls of Connecticut Men in French and Indian War 1755 - 1762

RecusH nn Recusant History volume nn. On the bookshelves of the Society of Genealogists, London

ReptonS Repton School Registers

Reunion Photos of participants who attended the Bostock/Bostwick Reunion in Northwich, Chesh in 2004

RFCC Rolls of the Freemen of the City of Chester (internet)

RHA Recommendations for Honours and Awards (NationalArchives)

RIB Rhode Island Birth Records (

RIM Rhode Island Marriage Records (

RLCSLC Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers & Louisiana Commands (from BNLO 5)

RMRS Royal Marines Records of Service (Kew Records Office)

RND Royal Naval Division, a section within the National Archives / Documents Online / Family History

RNDCGW Royal Naval Division Casualties of the Great War(Ancestry Co)

RNOSR Royal Naval Officers Service Records, from Kew Search room

RNVRSR Royal Naval Voluntary Service Service Records, from Kew Search room

RossallS Rossall School, Lancs Registers

RPNA Register of Personal Notices, Australia

RS Press releases from the Royal Society

RSBI Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Illinois

RSS Registers of Seamen's Services (British Origins)

RugbyS Rugby School Register

RWPI Revolutionary War Pension Files

Ryerson The Ryerson Index, an internet index with many Australian cemetery records

SAB South Australia Birth Registrations

SAD South Australia Death Registrations

SADR South Africa Death Records (

SAG Society of Australian Genealogists (

SAMR South Africa Marriage Records (

SACPD South Africa, Cope Province Deaths (

SAER South Australia Electoral Rolls (

SARBI Soldiers of American Revolution Buried in Illinois

SA Reg South Australian Register

SAusCem South Australia Cemteries

SAWW South African Who's Who

SBC Scottish Birth Certificate

SCBDM South Carolina Baptist Deaths and Marriages (

SDC Scottish Death Certificate

SchoolR School register

SDB South Dakota Births (

SDivI Scottish Divorce Index

SDMI South Dakota Marriages Index (

SGBB A book titled 'The Starkey Glenn Bostock Book' with many old family photographs, prepared at least in part by Peter Glenn Bostock, and made available courtesy of Kent C. Bostock

SH Will records at Principal Registry of the Family Division (used to be at Somerset House, Strand, London)

SLAVEN Slave Narratives (

SLCAR Salt Lake City Archive Record. The Church of Latter Day Saints at Salt Like City holds Archive Records supplied by members of the church, which are available for search.

SLCCI Salt Lake City Census Index. From indexes held at the Church of Latter Day Saints Family History Center at Salt Lake City.

SLCFGR Salt Lake City Family Group Record. The Church of Latter Day Saints at Salt Like City holds Family Group Records supplied by members of the church, which are available for search.

SMC Scottish Marriage Certificate

SMH Sydney Morning Herald

SM&H Stories, Memories & Histories (

SMLNeth Book titled "Students of Medicine at Leyden, Netherlands". On the shelves at the Society of Genealogists, London.

SmythObit Book titled "Smyth's Obituaries". On the shelves at the Society of Genealogists, London.

SNA Book titled "The Church and Parish of St. Nicholas, Abingdon" on the shelves at the Society of Genealogists, London

SomerC Records of Somerville College, Oxford

SSDI The USA Social Security Death Index

SSN The Stars and Stripes Newspaper (

STED Records of St Edwards School

StGregS Records of St Gregory's School

StHilda Records of St Hilda's College, Oxford

STJOHN Records of St John's College, Oxford

StPaulS Records of St Paul's School

SW Surrey Wills

T623_mmm.nn Census records for the USA 1900 census. T623_mmm is a tape reference. nn is the page (folio) number. X is A or B according to being a left page or right page.

T624_mmm.nn Census records for the USA 1910 census. T624_mmm is a tape reference. nn is the page (folio) number. X is A or B according to being a left page or right page.

T625_mmm.nn Census records for the USA 1920 census. T625_mmm is a tape reference. nn is the page (folio) number. X is A or B according to being a left page or right page.

T626_mmm.nn Census records for the USA 1930 census. T626_mmm is a tape reference. nn is the page (folio) number. X is A or B according to being a left page or right page.

T or Times The Times Newspaper (London). T is usually followed by a date. When the date is in MmmYYYY format these are Birth, Marriage and Death extracts, as indexed on microfilm, taken from the Society of Genealogists, London

TASB Tasmania Births (

TasEx The Examiner, Tasmania

TBF nn "The Bostock Family", a document of limited circulation prepared by Anthony J. Bostock c. 1985. nn refers to a page number in this document. NB: Tony has now updated this material, and updated copy may be accessed from this page.

TD Trade Directories

Teach Teacher Registrations (Society of Genealogists)

TePukePS Records of Te Puke Primary School, NZ

TePukeT dd/mm/yy The Te Puke Times, Te Puke, New Zealand

TFC.nn Booklet titled "Tailors, Flatmen and Carpenters: the Bostock family of Northwich and Leftwich with an account of the medieaval family and its major branches, the Hall and village" by Anthony James Bostock.

Toronto Star Extracts from the Toronto Star

TPI Tasmania Pioneers Index, available on CDROM at Society of Genealogists, London

TUN The Times Union Newspaper (Albany, NY)

Tuppence A booklet titled 'Tuppence a Cup' by Barbara J. Parker

TXB Texas Birth Records (

TXD Texas Death Records (

TXM Texas Marriage Records (

TXV Texas Divorce Records (

UKBMD the UKBMD website (free access to birth, marriage and death indexes)

UKD UK Deaths (Find My Past)

UKIPL UK Incoming Passenger Lists (

UKMR UK Medical Registers (

UKOB UK Obituaries (

UKOPL UK Outgoing Passenger Lists (

UppS Uppingham School Registers

USACC United States Navy Aircraft Carrier Muster Rolls (

USAER United States World War II Army Enlistment Records (

USAOb United States of America Obituaries (

USAP United States of Army Personnel (

USBR United States Banking Records (

USCWD United States Civil War drafts (

USDR United States Death Reports of US citizens abroad (

USDRC United States World War Draft Registration Cards (

USHS United States Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers (

USMI United States Military Index

USNR United States Naturalisation Records (

USNewsp United States Newspaper Records (

USON United States Obituary Notices (Find My Past)

USPA United States Passport Applications (

USPRI United States Public Records Index ( This index gives one or more addresses recorded for an individual between 1984 and 2008. The year or month of birth is also often given, and the names of other individuals at the same address.

USSY United States School Yearbooks (

USVG United States Veterans Gravesites (

UTCem Utah Cemetery Records (

UTD Utah Death Records (

UTM Utah Marriage Records (FamilySearch)

UWW The USA Whos Who

VACI Virginia Census Index (

VAD Virginia Death Records (

VADIV Virginia Divorce Records (

VAM Virginia Marriage Records (

Variety Variety Magazine, published in New York

VB Visitations of Berkshire (1566)

VC nnnn Visitations of Cheshire for the year nnnn. 1580 was the year when the main Bostock pedigrees were reported. These have been subdivided, see following.

VCB Visitations of Cheshire (1580), Bostock of Bostock section, itself based on HMS 1424 and HMS 1505

VCC Visitations of Cheshire (1580), Bostock of Churton section, itself based on HMS 1424 and HMS 1505

VCMo Visitations of Cheshire (1580), Bostock of Moberley section, itself based on HMS 1424 and HMS 1505

VCMu Visitations of Cheshire (1580), Bostock of Moulton section, itself based on HMS 1424

VER Victoria Electoral Roll

VetSch Veterans Schedules (

VGML Vicar General Marriage Licence Allegations

VHBK Victorian History of Berkshire

VHS Vermont Historical Society - in particular a document providing the ancestry of Homer Bostwick

VicB Victoria, Australia Birth Records

VicCem Victoria, Australia Cemetery Records (internet)

VicD Victoria, Australia Death Records

VicER Victoria, Australia Electoral Roll Records

VicM Victoria, Australia Marriage Records

VicProb Victoria, Australia Probate Records

VicW Victoria, Australia Wills (

VLon Visitation of London (1634)

VS Visitations of Shropshire (1623)

VTB Vermont Birth Records (

VTCem Vermont Cemetery Records

VTD Vermont Death Records (

VTDiv Vermont Divorce Records (

VTHM Vermont Historical Magazine

VTM Vermont Marriage Records

WAD Washington Death Records (

WADC Washington Death Certificates (FamilySearch)

WADIV Washington Divorce Records (

WAM Washington Marriage Records (FamilySearch)

War1812 British aliens in US during 1812 War (

WAusB Western Australia Birth Records (internet)

WAusCem Western Australia Cemetery Records (internet)

WAusD Western Australia Death Records (internet)

WAusM Western Australia Marriage Records (internet)

WAusN dd/mm/yyyy West Australian Newspaper (Perth)

WBCL Wisden's Book of Cricketer's Lives

WC.xxxxxxx The Rootsweb World Connect Project. xxxxxxx is a reference to the database name, often a number, but may be any user assigned name. For long names the first 10 characters are given. These are freely accessable pages.

WellC Wellington College Registers

WestM Westminster College Registers

WFP dd/mm/yyyy Winnipeg Free Press, with date

Who nnnn Who's Who for the year nnnn

WhoSA Who's Who in South Africa

WhosWho Who's Who

WIB Wisconsin Births (

WIDI Wisconsin Death Index (

WikiT Information from a Wiki Tree

Will Information from a will

WilMil Wilmington Millennium (Find My Past)

WIMI Wisconsin Marriage Index (

WinchC Winchester College Registers

WISB Wisconsin Birth Records (

WISMP Wisconsin Men of Progress (

WML Westminster Marriage Licences, London

WO97 Public Records Office, Kew, War Office File 97, Royal Hospital Chelsea: Soldiers Service Documents

WO339 Public Records Office, Kew, War Office File 339, Officer's Services, First World War

WO363 Public Records Office, Kew, War Office File 363, Soldier's Documents, First World War

WO364 Public Records Office, Kew, War Office File 364, Soldier's Documents, First World War, from Pensions Claims

WomensWW Women's Whos Who

WVB West Virginia Birth records (

WVD West Virginia Death records (

WVM West Virginia Marriage records (FamilySearch)

WWAm Who's Who in America

WWAust Who's Who in Australia

WWINR World War I Nominal Roll (Australia)

WWIWRNS World War I Women's Royal Navy Service (Records at Kew)

WWTheatre Whos Who in Theatre (SoG Library)

WWW Miscellaneous findings from the World Wide Web

WW2SM World War 2 Seamen's Medals (Records at Kew)

YW Yorkshire Wills. Wills held at the Borthwick Institute, York.

ZooW The book "Zoo on Wheels - Bostock and Wombwell's Menagerie", by Dr. J. L. Middlemas, ISBN 1 870253 10 8, published in 1987 by Dalebrook Publications. See Front cover and Back cover for the front and back covers of this publication.